After having a 3d printer for a while and getting deep into printing 3d dungeon tiles, I've finally gotten around to printing a pretty good number of them. These are Fat Dragon Games brand Dragonlock 3d tiles. They are available on DriveThruRPG and they have a free set you can try. For a general cost breakdown, the printer I use cost $175 with shipping and required assembly.¤cy=USD&vip=4264393&gclid=CjwKCAjw5ZPcBRBkEiwA-avvk-L2AlIF-Gxq7fnZD7SX_QnUwC6c_b7GnZBloRLMB7Um2sS-wyOmMhoCJPkQAvD_BwE Printer filament is about $20 per 1kg spool. The models are typically $9.99 per file set. https://www.driv...