This week I've started preparing for an online streamed Starfinder game. Because I've been looking through so many resources, this seems like a good time to outline what steps I've taken. It can be hard to figure out how to start streaming a game. First, I needed players! Last week on Twitter I put out an open call for players. That worked well for me because I have a certain amount of reach on Twitter now. I set up a Discord server to plan the game and coordinate the pre-play items, like sharing safety tools we would use and the rules for Stafinder. I invited each potential player to the server. The benefit was allowing open discussion of the game on a private service. This could have been a Twitter or Facebook Messenger group message but I wanted to use Discord for voice during the game, so it seemed like a good time to learn Discord. An additional benefit of Discord is having multiple channels, which allowed me to use one for General Chat, one for Character Creatio...